* ENGLISH * MISSION #14 (A0304): PARANAGUA * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0900 HRS EST, 9.26.97" SETDOGG 4 BRIEFSTART DOGGSAYC dog36.wav CHARTXT Brothers in arms... listen up. SAMPGAP 37790,66831 CHARTXT We've finally located the drug cartels' Manufacturing Plant in the rainforest north east of the town of Napo, in southern Paranagua. SAMPGAP 226739,254686 CHARTXT It's heavily defended and it ain't gonna be a pushover. SAMPGAP 319694,337192 CHARTXT Yet ya'll know now that if anybody can do it, Da Wardenz can. SAMPGAP 404509,423465 CHARTXT This could be the final nail in the coffin of the Paranaguan drugs cartels, so let's hit 'em real hard, make 'em bleed. SAMPGAP 567212,573652 CHARTXT Move out and stay cool. SAMPGAP 604394,0 BRIEFEND